
MUN Workshops with the American Space

Date: Completed

Preparatory sessions for the new generations interested in International Relations and MUN simulations, within IES Abastos and with the collaboration of the American Space Valencia.

During February 1, 8 and 15, 2023, the sessions were given by AEDRI members to a group of students that attended the workshops. They had been chosen as participants for a school trip to Sweden for their good academic records, hence their involvement in this project. Special focus was put on public speaking and MUN procedures in this regard, as well as debating and negotiating in formal and informal ways.

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EaP Youth Workshop

Date: Completed

2022 offers new opportunities for face-to-face events: the Young European Ambassadors are heading to Valencia for a Youth Workshop and their biggest collaboration of the year. The event will take place October 14-16 at the ASV, and will offer UPV students and AEDRI members the chance to participate in special training on the Eastern Partnership, as well as interesting workshops.

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Crisis del Congreso - 2ª Edición

Fecha: Finalizado

Un entorno de simulación comprendido por alumnos de Relaciones Internacionales, Criminología, Psicología y Derecho de la UEV. Siendo divididos por grupos, las distintas delegaciones tratan de resolver una crisis internacional geopolítica situada, en la presente edición, en Oriente Medio.

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UEVMEP - 2ª Edición

Fecha: Finalizado

Una simulación del Parlamento Europeo donde los alumnos. Dentro de los roles de eurodiputados y actores independientes, en el PE, debaten acerca de asuntos europeos de relevancia actual.

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Roundtable at the American Space

Date: Completed

Anna Mikulska, Ph.D., is a fellow in energy studies at the Center for Energy Studies at Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy. She received:

  • Law degree from Adam Mickiewicz University
  • Master’s degree in international relations from the University of Windsor in Canada
  • Ph.D. in political science from the University of Houston

Her research focuses on the geopolitics of natural gas within the EU, former Soviet Bloc and Russia.

At University of Pennsylvania’s Kleinman Center for Energy Policy, she teaches graduate-level seminars on energy policy and geopolitics of energy.

Fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute and sits on the editorial board of the Adam Mickiewicz University Law Review.

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UEVMUN - 6ª Edición

Fecha: Finalizado

En la 6ª Edición del Modelo de Naciones Unidas de la Universidad Europea de Valencia, con la colaboración de AEDRI, los estudiantes vivirán una inmersión diplomática total. Durante dos días debatirán y negociarán sobre temas de actualidad internacional en 4 de las Comisiones que componen la Asamblea General de Naciones Unidas. Con el gran honor, además, de poder realizar por segunda vez una edición de este evento en las propias instalaciones de la Organización en Valencia, más concretamente en Quart de Poblet.

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